Friday, August 19, 2016

2 weeks until we are back!!

Just two shorts weeks until we are back in session for MOPS! Yay!! <3

Next Friday we will be having our Kick Off Playdate, which is a chance for us all to get together and also gives you a chance to register early! Registering early gives you less to do the first meeting, as well as a discount on your registration! :) 

Our Kick Off Playdate will be at Garcia Park, 9am! Come join us for some fellowship and fun! <3

In continuing with our countdown, we have the rest of our Table Leaders and Mentor Mom bios up on the blog! :) 

Take a little time to get to know Nicole, Sharon, Schyler, Erin, Debbie, Natalie, and Julie, who have all stepped up to lead tables this year!! They are all super excited to get to know you ladies and build friendships with you!! :) Check out their bios here-->  Table Leader Bios

Then head on over to our Mentor Mom page, where you will get to know Diane, Michelle, Melissa, Lorraine, Dianna, Christen, and Kim! We LOVE our Mentor Moms, and they are so excited to take the time to get to know you, pray with you, and just love on you and your babies! :) Check out their bios-->  Mentor Mom Bios

We are praying big things for this upcoming session of MOPS, and we can't wait to see YOU there!! <3 <3 

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